Guide On The Various Causes And Treatments Of Cystic Acne

Having an acne or two is very common among teenagers. But if there are red, large and painful skin breakouts built up deeply into the skin, it is cystic acne Singapore.

What is Cystic Acne? How is it Caused and Treated?

Cystic acne can be treated but you should not be too late. Cystic acne takes years to develop. It triggers wide surface of your skin and leaves it with permanent scars. You can get help from a dermatologist who can come up with the right treatment plan.

What is Cystic Acne?

When a skin pore is blocked (due to dead skin cells in most cases), it develops pimple. Bacteria are also trapped in the pore and acne become swollen and red.  When this acne goes on your skin deeply, it develops cystic acne Singapore in the form of tender, red bump, which is loaded with pus. It might cause itching or pain. Infection can spread if you burst the cyst and it causes a number of breakouts.


The actual cause is not known. However, mostly androgens play a vital role. These hormones thrive when you grow up. It causes changes in skin, it leads to acne, and clogged skin pores. Hormonal changes might happen in women due to menstrual cycles, menopause, pregnancy, or polycystic ovary syndrome. You might also develop it if you have a family history with this condition.

Cystic Acne Treatment Singapore

A dermatologist may recommend oral antibiotics that can help control inflammation and bacteria buildup. Your acne may often not be able to respond to antibiotics. You may also use prescription lotions, creams, or gels, which contain a form of vitamin A, retinoid to unplug skin pores while antibiotics are treating it.

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